All Implemented Interfaces:
Flippable, Rotatable

public class StaticPane extends Pane implements Flippable, Rotatable
A pane for static items and stuff. All items will have to be specified a slot, or will be added in the next position.
  • Constructor Details

    • StaticPane

      public StaticPane(int x, int y, int length, int height, @NotNull @NotNull Pane.Priority priority)
    • StaticPane

      public StaticPane(int x, int y, int length, int height)
    • StaticPane

      public StaticPane(int length, int height)
  • Method Details

    • display

      public void display(@NotNull @NotNull InventoryComponent inventoryComponent, int paneOffsetX, int paneOffsetY, int maxLength, int maxHeight)
      Description copied from class: Pane
      Has to set all the items in the right spot inside the inventory
      Specified by:
      display in class Pane
      inventoryComponent - the inventory component in which the items should be displayed
      paneOffsetX - the pane's offset on the x axis
      paneOffsetY - the pane's offset on the y axis
      maxLength - the maximum length of the pane
      maxHeight - the maximum height of the pane
    • addItem

      public void addItem(@NotNull @NotNull GuiItem item, int x, int y)
      Adds a gui item at the specific spot in the pane. If the coordinates as specified by the x and y parameters is already occupied, that item will be replaced by the item parameter.
      item - the item to set
      x - the x coordinate of the position of the item
      y - the y coordinate of the position of the item
    • removeItem

      public void removeItem(@NotNull @NotNull GuiItem item)
      Removes the specified item from the pane
      item - the item to remove
    • removeItem

      public void removeItem(int x, int y)
      Removes the specified item from the pane
      x - the x coordinate of the item to remove
      y - the y coordinate of the item to remove
    • click

      public boolean click(@NotNull @NotNull Gui gui, @NotNull @NotNull InventoryComponent inventoryComponent, @NotNull @NotNull InventoryClickEvent event, int slot, int paneOffsetX, int paneOffsetY, int maxLength, int maxHeight)
      Description copied from class: Pane
      Called whenever there is being clicked on this pane
      Specified by:
      click in class Pane
      gui - the gui in which was clicked
      inventoryComponent - the inventory component in which this pane resides
      event - the event that occurred while clicking on this item
      slot - the slot that was clicked in
      paneOffsetX - the pane's offset on the x axis
      paneOffsetY - the pane's offset on the y axis
      maxLength - the maximum length of the pane
      maxHeight - the maximum height of the pane
      whether the item was found or not
    • copy

      @NotNull @Contract(pure=true) public @NotNull StaticPane copy()
      Description copied from class: Pane
      Makes a copy of this pane and returns it. This makes a deep copy of the pane. This entails that the underlying panes and/or items will be copied as well. The returned pane will never be reference equal to the current pane.
      copy in class Pane
      a copy of this pane
    • setRotation

      public void setRotation(int rotation)
      Description copied from interface: Rotatable
      Sets the rotation of this pane. The rotation is in degrees and can only be in increments of 90. Anything higher than 360, will be lowered to a value in between [0, 360) while maintaining the same rotational value. E.g. 450 degrees becomes 90 degrees, 1080 degrees becomes 0, etc. This method fails for any pane that has a length and height which are unequal.
      Specified by:
      setRotation in interface Rotatable
      rotation - the rotation of this pane, must be divisible by 90.
    • fillWith

      public void fillWith(@NotNull @NotNull ItemStack itemStack, @Nullable @Nullable Consumer<InventoryClickEvent> action)
      Fills all empty space in the pane with the given itemStack and adds the given action
      itemStack - The ItemStack to fill the empty space with
      action - The action called whenever an interaction with the item happens
    • fillWith

      @Contract("null -> fail") public void fillWith(@NotNull @NotNull ItemStack itemStack)
      Fills all empty space in the pane with the given itemStack
      itemStack - The ItemStack to fill the empty space with
    • getItems

      @NotNull public @NotNull Collection<GuiItem> getItems()
      Description copied from class: Pane
      Gets all the items in this pane and all underlying panes. The returned collection is not guaranteed to be mutable or to be a view of the underlying data. (So changes to the gui are not guaranteed to be visible in the returned value.)
      Specified by:
      getItems in class Pane
      all items
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Description copied from class: Pane
      Clears the entire pane of any items/panes. Underlying panes will not be cleared.
      Specified by:
      clear in class Pane
    • getPanes

      @NotNull @Contract(pure=true) public @NotNull Collection<Pane> getPanes()
      Description copied from class: Pane
      Gets all the panes in this panes, including any child panes from other panes. The returned collection is not guaranteed to be mutable or to be a view of the underlying data. (So changes to the gui are not guaranteed to be visible in the returned value.)
      Specified by:
      getPanes in class Pane
      all panes
    • flipHorizontally

      public void flipHorizontally(boolean flipHorizontally)
      Description copied from interface: Flippable
      Sets whether this pane should flip its items horizontally
      Specified by:
      flipHorizontally in interface Flippable
      flipHorizontally - whether the pane should flip items horizontally
    • flipVertically

      public void flipVertically(boolean flipVertically)
      Description copied from interface: Flippable
      Sets whether this pane should flip its items vertically
      Specified by:
      flipVertically in interface Flippable
      flipVertically - whether the pane should flip items vertically
    • getRotation

      @Contract(pure=true) public int getRotation()
      Description copied from interface: Rotatable
      Gets the rotation specified to this pane. If no rotation has been set, or if this pane is not capable of having a rotation, 0 is returned.
      Specified by:
      getRotation in interface Rotatable
      the rotation for this pane
    • isFlippedHorizontally

      @Contract(pure=true) public boolean isFlippedHorizontally()
      Description copied from interface: Flippable
      Gets whether this pane's items are flipped horizontally
      Specified by:
      isFlippedHorizontally in interface Flippable
      true if the items are flipped horizontally, false otherwise
    • isFlippedVertically

      @Contract(pure=true) public boolean isFlippedVertically()
      Description copied from interface: Flippable
      Gets whether this pane's items are flipped vertically
      Specified by:
      isFlippedVertically in interface Flippable
      true if the items are flipped vertically, false otherwise
    • load

      @NotNull public static @NotNull StaticPane load(@NotNull @NotNull Object instance, @NotNull @NotNull Element element)
      Loads an outline pane from a given element
      instance - the instance class
      element - the element
      the outline pane